Tuesday, May 17, 2005

Celebrity Love Island Update

Well, we've just watched the first episode of Celebrity Love Island, and are now wishing that we were famous. How great must it be to spend time on a beautiful island, with good-looking and available members of the opposite sex ... and get paid for it. Genius! Anyway, early signs are that this will be a good series. We particularly liked Micheal Greco's monkey impression - keep up the effort Beppe and we're sure you'll score with one of the island's lovelies. Elsewhere Fran Cosgrave upset Abi Titmuss, by saying that she was promiscuous. Naturally Abi didn't take this comment too well. Luckily, Fran had an excellent defence - he didn't know what the word meant. Least content so far was Jayne Middlemiss, who was finding the strain of living in the lap of luxury on a Fijian island all a little too much and was missing her Mum. Ahh, bless.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Has Abbi got em out yet?

10:05 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Abi Titmuss is proving to be little more than a spoilt self obsessed celeb. I tuned in giving her the benefit of the doubt but she's just as they say. Jealous, vain and pointless, she can't have a relationship, she's too busy loving herself, which is misplaced admiration, she looks like the average tesco checkout girl!.


7:47 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Indeed, Rebecca has beaten Abi by a mile, better looking, slimmer, smarter, funnier!! Nice one Becky L

7:49 AM  

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