Wednesday, June 15, 2005

Chris Martin Reveals Songwriting Techniques

We've just been watching the "Coldplay in Profile" program on ITV1. In it, they discussed how the band wrote new songs. Most of the time they said it started with Chris Martin bringing in to the studio an idea for a song that he had written down, or would play on his harmonica, but sometimes it was a result of a band jam session. Chris said he knew when to abandon a song idea when drummer Will Champion got distracted by playing his tin whistle.

For the new Coldplay album X +Y, the band has "turned up" guitarist Jonny Buckland. Chris said he thought Jonny ranked as one of the best guitarists in the world, alongside U2's The Edge, and deserved more recognition. Jonny's guitar tech had also hinted to Chris that it would be worth turning Jonny up a bit on the new album.

The band also mentioned how the EMI share price suffered when they didn't make their first deadline for the new album. However, as could be expected, Chris Martin isn't one to pander to the whims of the shareholders!!

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